Grandma Susan, Ellie, and Garrett
Ellie started daycare full time at the beginning of February. She is very active and it was not possible for Susan to keep up with the business and Ellie. I believe she is very well taken care of there and I like that she can interact with other children. She has gotten a few colds and a stomach virus since starting daycare but no major illnesses yet.
We even got a Valentine gift from her!
Ellie got her first tooth (well 2 teeth started coming in on the bottom at the same time) right after she turned 8 months old
She is still teething so everything still goes right in her mouth
She is cruising very well
And pulling herself up to stand against things. She has even been standing on her own for about 5 seconds before she sits back down or grabs a hold of something.
She is still picky about eating, but she likes finger foods like cheerios and puffs. We are trying a little bit of food that we eat to see if she likes it.
In her snowsuit. The snow was pretty hard here so she couldn't really crawl around.
A playdate with Annabelle and Graham. Annabelle is 11 months and Ellie is 8 months.
I dont' even know what to do with that hair, lol.
Babbling and cruising!
She is babbling ba-ba, da-da-,and ma-ma. She is pretty talkative and will scream when she is really excited. She likes to imitate the sounds we make at her.
She is walking around very well with this activity walker. She loves this thing! She can pull herself up on it and start walking without any help. She can even turn it around by herself by scooting around to the other side.
Sitting in the toy basket. She climbed in here all by herself.
9 Month Checkup:
Ellie had her 9 months checkup on March 18th. She weighs 16 pounds 12 ounces and measured 29 inches long. She is a little below average on weight and 90th percentile on length. Overall our pediatrician said she looked great and is developing very well.
Other tid bits about Ellie:
She likes drinking cold water from a regular cup, pretending to talk on the phone, and trying to put things like her pacifier in our mouths.
She enjoys peek-a-boo and when daddy puts her upside down.
She enjoys taking her clothes out of her drawers and throwing them. She can even open the kitchen cabinet doors now so we have to baby proof those asap.
She still loves bath time. We are looking at starting swimming lessons for her very soon at the YMCA.
She is sleeping through the night finally. Ever since she started daycare she has rarely woken up in the middle of the night. She doesn't nap very well at daycare so this may be why...
I cannot believe how fast she is growing...thanks for the update...Granddad and I enjoy watching her grow. She is a little doll baby!